Verification: How can I obtain an unemployment verification letter?
An Unemployment Verification Letter can be provided to individuals who have filed a claim for unemployment. If you have not filed a recent claim for unemployment, you may do so by logging in to your account at
The quickest way to obtain an unemployment verification letter is by logging into your account at On the Claim Summary page click on the Unemployment Verification link. A summary of your most recent claim will display as well as the option to print. The information provided will include:
1. Your name
2. Current mailing address on record
3. Weekly Benefit Amount
4. Maximum Benefit Amount
5. Remaining balance on the claim
6. Date of most recent weekly request for payment
7. Detail of weeks requested
An unemployment verification letter can also be requested in writing to the Division of Employment Security. A written request is to be sent to Division of Employment, P.O. Box 3100, Jefferson City, MO 65102, or emailed to The unemployment verification request CANNOT be requested verbally over the phone.