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  1. 1099-G: Can I access my Form 1099-G from prior tax years on UInteract?

  2. 1099-G: How can I get a copy of the Form 1099-G?

  3. 1099-G: What do I do if I believe my Form 1099-G is not correct?

  4. 1099-G: What is a form 1099-G?

  5. 1099-G: What is included in my Form 1099-G from DES?

  6. 1099-G: What should I do with my Form 1099-G amount? Do I need to pay the amount shown?

  7. 1099-G: Why did I receive a postcard about Form 1099-G?

  8. About the LIRC: Where can I find the rules and regulations pertaining to the Commission?

  9. About the LIRC: Where can I find the statutes that pertain to the Commission?

  10. About the LIRC: Who are the members of the Commission?

  11. Accommodations: I hurt my back. Doesn′t my employer have to provide me with an accommodation?

  12. Administration: Can more than one person receive the e-mails from the Division?

  13. Annual wage order: Are all hours reported for occupational titles being consolidated into one occupational title be added together to set a rate?

  14. Annual wage order: Does the law allow for annual wage orders to be changed once per year based upon hours worked under a collective bargaining agreement?

  15. Annual wage order: Should a contractor report hours worked in the previous fiscal year or the previous calendar year?

  16. Annual wage order: What is the Annual Wage Order?

  17. Annual wage order: What is the existing timeline for calculating the annual prevailing wage rate?

  18. Annual wage order: When will the new annual wage order containing the prevailing wage and the public works contracting minimum wage (PWCMW) rates be released?

  19. Appeal: Can an employer appeal a deputy’s determination?

  20. Basics: Do I need an attorney?

  21. Basics: Does an employer have to carry workers′ compensation insurance?

  22. Basics: How do I know if I am in the construction industry?

  23. Basics: How do I obtain coverage?

  24. Basics: How is workers′ compensation insurance priced?

  25. Basics: How long do I have to file a complaint?

  26. Basics: Is there a dollar limit on claims?

  27. Basics: What is discrimination?

  28. Basics: What is familial status discrimination?

  29. Basics: What is the legal definition of sexual harassment?

  30. Basics: What is the purpose of the Tort Victims′ Compensation Fund?

  31. Basics: What is workers′ compensation insurance?

  32. Basics: Who is required to carry workers′ compensation insurance coverage?

  33. Basics: Who sets the premium amount for my group?

  34. Benefits: Are benefits such as vacation, sick leave, and health insurance required?

  35. Benefits: How are benefits paid?

  36. Benefits: How are my benefits figured?

  37. Benefits: How are payments made?

  38. Benefits: How are the rehabilitation benefit amounts calculated?

  39. Benefits: How do I claim benefits from the Second Injury Fund?

  40. Benefits: How do I know if I am eligible for Physical Rehabilitation Benefits from the Second Injury Fund?

  41. Benefits: How do I qualify for Second Injury Fund?

  42. Benefits: How do I renew my claim?

  43. Benefits: How is eligibility determined?

  44. Benefits: How long does the plan cover?

  45. Benefits: How much can claimants receive?

  46. Benefits: How much money will I get/how is the settlement figured?

  47. Benefits: How much money will I receive if I qualify for this benefit?

  48. Benefits: How often do checks for the rehabilitation benefit get mailed?

  49. Benefits: What happens if I go to a facility that is not certified by the Division?

  50. Benefits: What is a benefit claim?

  51. Benefits: What is the maximum number of weeks allowed for this benefit?

  52. Benefits: What is the status of my claim?

  53. Benefits: When and for how long can benefits be claimed?

  54. Benefits: When will I receive benefits?

  55. Benefits: Will temporary total disability (TTD) or temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits continue to be paid?

  56. Board: How are the members of the Board selected?

  57. Board: Who are the current Board Members?

  58. Can I get an extension to file my brief in an unemployment matter?

  59. Certification: I just became a certified safety consultant/engineer. What do I need to do to maintain my certification?

  60. Certification: Is there a fee required for the safety consultant/engineer certification?

  61. Change in coverage: Do I need to notify the Division of changes to my self-insurance program?

  62. Complaint: If a contractor knows of a wage violation (even though they didn’t win that particular bid), can they file a complaint against another contractor or against the public body granting the contract?

  63. Complaints: I have safety concerns for my workplace. Who should I contact?

  64. Complaints: If it is determined that I was not paid minimum wage rate and/or overtime rate, what steps will be taken to collect wages due me?

  65. Complaints: My attorney won’t return my calls. What can I do?

  66. Complaints: What can I do if I believe I am not being paid the minimum wage rate and/or overtime rate?

  67. Consultation: Is there a charge for the consultation visit?

  68. Consultation: When will I receive my consultation visit?

  69. Consultation: Who should sign the Application for Consultation Service?

  70. Corporations: What procedure does a corporation need to follow in order to be exempt from the workers′ compensation requirements?

  71. Coverage: Due to a corporate restructure, our current self-insured entity was merged out of existence, and a new entity was created. Will the new entity need to apply for self-insurance? Since the new entity has the same employees, can we transfer the security from the old self-insured entity to the new one? My broker does not have any problems with this.

  72. Coverage: I am an employer with multiple subsidiaries. Would my subsidiaries be covered under the same self-insurance authority as the parent company?

  73. Denial: Can benefits be denied?

  74. Denial: What are my appeal rights?

  75. Discrimination: Can an employer refuse to hire me because I am pregnant?

  76. Discrimination: I was hired for a position and when I reported to work, I was told that they had changed their mind. Is there anything I can do?

  77. Discrimination: My boss is treating me differently than other employees. I am constantly being yelled at, criticized and harassed. Is there anything you can do?

  78. Do the administrative rules governing certification of certain public sector labor organizations conflict with the language of the new Public Sector Labor Law?

  79. Eligibility: Am I eligible for benefits if I lose my job?

  80. Eligibility: Am I eligible for unemployment benefits while I am receiving severance pay?

  81. Eligibility: Can volunteer activities affect my unemployment benefits?

  82. Eligibility: How is eligibility determined?

  83. Eligibility: What if I try a new job, but it just doesn't work out?

  84. Eligibility: Who is eligible to make a claim?

  85. Eligibility: Who is not eligible to make a claim?

  86. Employee questions: My employer is self-insured. My weekly check is always late. What can I do?

  87. Employee questions: What if my employer is no longer a member of the group?

  88. Employee questions: What if my employer is no longer in business?

  89. Employee questions: What if the group that my employer belonged to is no longer in business?

  90. Employment: Can a church advertise a position seeking a candidate who belongs to a certain religion?

  91. Employment: Can my employer fire me for missing work even if I have a doctor′s excuse?

  92. Employment: Do I have to let a pregnant employee work until she has a doctor′s release, or can I relieve her of her duties now?

  93. Employment: I have an employee who is on maternity leave. Do I have to keep her position open?

  94. Employment: What kind of questions shouldn′t I ask in an interview?

  95. Exiting employment: Is an employee required to give his/her employer two weeks notice when quitting a job?

  96. Exiting employment: Is my employer required to pay me for unused vacation if I lose my job or quit?

  97. Filing: Can I use wages earned in another state, the military, or the federal government?

  98. Filing: How do I make my weekly request for payment?

  99. Filing: What do I do after starting a claim?

  100. Filing: What do I do if I go back to work?

  101. Filing: What happens when I file a new claim?

  102. Filing: What is a "waiting week"?

  103. Filing: What is a benefit claim?

  104. Filing: When and how do I file an unemployment claim?

  105. Filing: Will my employer be notified when a claim is filed?

  106. Fraud: I am a carpenter and was injured at work on Friday at a construction site and reported it to my supervisor. He asked me to wait until Monday to file an injury report because he does not have workers′ compensation insurance. He said he would buy it today and I would be covered on Monday. Is that legal?

  107. Fraud: I am representing a client who the insurance company is stonewalling. I can′t seem to get them to negotiate a settlement. If I file a complaint with the Fraud and Noncompliance Unit and the matter is then resolved, can I withdraw my complaint?

  108. Fraud: I am working for a company out of Texas. A company representative told me the company has workers′ compensation insurance with Texas Mutual Insurance. Will this cover me in Missouri?

  109. Fraud: I have a videotape of an injured employee, violating doctor′s restrictions. Has the employee violated Missouri′s workers′ compensation laws?

  110. Fraud: I have an injured employee who is collecting TTD and is working at another job. Is this fraud?

  111. Fraud: I have business locations in Missouri and Kansas. The Missouri location has 3 employees and the Kansas location has 5. I was informed that I didn′t have to have Missouri workers′ compensation insurance because I only have three employees. Is that correct?

  112. Fraud: I recently hired a subcontractor to put a roof on a house I am building. I obtained a copy of its Certificate of Insurance (COI) for workers′ compensation insurance. My insurance company recently audited me and now I have to pay more in premiums because the COI was no good. Is there anything you can do?

  113. Fraud: I was hurt at work and informed my supervisor about the injury. The supervisor refuses to file an injury report. Can the supervisor do this?

  114. Fraud: I was looking at my pay stub and realized my employer is deducting money for workers′ compensation insurance. Can they do that?

  115. Fraud: I work for an employer who has 17 employees. She pays seven of us in cash, but I know she has workers′ compensation insurance. Is this legal?

  116. Fraud: One of my employees alleged she was injured at work. She brought in an "off work" slip she said she got from her doctor. The form indicates she is to be off of work for seven days because of her injury. I called the doctor′s office and was told the doctor did not give her an "off work" slip. Is this a crime?

  117. Fringe benefits: Are the mandatory rates for overtime and holidays based only upon the hourly rate or on the total hourly wage including fringe?

  118. Fringe benefits: Can contractors take credit for the fringes they pay on behalf of their employees if they pay prevailing wages? What about if they pay the public works contracting minimum wage (PWCMW)?

  119. Fringe benefits: When determining the Prevailing Wage and PWCMW rates, are fringe benefits added to to the hourly rate?

  120. Fringe benefits: When DOLIR computes both the hourly wage rate for each occupational title in each county and the ”public works contracting minimum wage” (PWCMW) in each county, are fringe benefits added to the basic hourly rate?

  121. Harassment: Am I required to tell my employer about sexual harassment I am experiencing before filing a discrimination complaint with the MCHR?

  122. Harassment: Can my employer talk to me any kind of way?

  123. Harassment: What if I believe my former employer is "black-balling" me when a potential new employer is calling for a reference?

  124. Hazards: Do I have to correct all hazards identified or implement all recommendations suggested by the consultant?

  125. Hazards: Do I have to post the List of Hazards that came with my official report?

  126. Hazards: How much time do I have to correct Imminent Danger Conditions and hazards?

  127. Hazards: How much time do I have to correct Serious hazards?

  128. Hazards: What if I am unable to correct one of the Serious hazards in the agreed upon time frame because of some complication?

  129. Hazards: What if I disagree with the opinion of the consultant involving a suggested Serious hazard?

  130. Hazards: What if I refuse to correct a Serious hazard that has been identified by the consultant?

  131. Hazards: What is an imminent danger condition, a serious or other-than-serious hazard?

  132. Help: Do I use the wages paid by the previous owner of my business when figuring excess wages?

  133. Help: How can I get help finding a new job?

  134. Help: How can I get information about my claim?

  135. Help: How can I request a work search waiver (recall date) for my employees who will be laid off on a temporary basis?

  136. Help: How do I adjust wages that I reported previously?

  137. Help: How do I change my contact information?

  138. Help: How do I figure excess wages?

  139. Help: I forgot my user ID and/or password for login. How do I reset this information?

  140. Help: I made a mistake when I filed my claim. How can I correct this?

  141. Help: I no longer have employees. How do I close my unemployment tax account?

  142. Help: Now that I have employees, what other agencies should I contact?

  143. Help: What if my name changes?

  144. Help: Where can I get a Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)?

  145. Help: Who can I call with questions about my unemployment claim?

  146. Hours: Can an employer require its employees to work more than eight hours a day or more than 40 hours per week?

  147. Hours: When does overtime come into effect?

  148. How do I correct a quarterly report form after I have submitted it electronically to the Division?

  149. ID/Access code: Do I have to fill out the Electronic Partnering/Confidentiality Agreement?

  150. ID/Access code: Does a new Electronic Partnering/Confidentiality Agreement need to be completed if the contact person changes?

  151. ID/Access code: Does each contact on file with the Division have his/her own access code & ID number?

  152. ID/Access code: Where do I find my access code and ID number?

  153. Implementation cost: What does it cost?

  154. Inspections: How can I schedule a consultation to help me compile a proper mine safety and health program?

  155. Inspections: What types of mining operations does the state of Missouri inspect?

  156. Is certification required to work as a safety consultant in Missouri?

  157. Layoffs: What is a Mass Claim?

  158. Legal: Am I covered if I believe that I was discriminated against because I am gay?

  159. Legal: Are breaks or lunch periods required?

  160. Legal: Can a person under the age of 18 be an independent contractor?

  161. Legal: Can an employer pay an individual under 20 years of age less than the applicable minimum wage rate?

  162. Legal: Can deductions for the employer′s benefit (such as deductions for damage caused by the employee or for repayment of loans to the employee) be made from an employee's paycheck?

  163. Legal: Do I need an attorney to file a claim against the Second Injury Fund?

  164. Legal: Do you represent me?

  165. Legal: Does an employer have to furnish employees with a statement of deductions?

  166. Legal: Does Missouri require a blasting certification for mining companies?

  167. Legal: Does the insurance policy that the employer purchased cover all liabilities in the state of Missouri?

  168. Legal: Does workers′ compensation cover my family members?

  169. Legal: How long do I have to file a claim against the Second Injury Fund?

  170. Legal: I am not required to carry workers′ compensation insurance under the law; however, my general contractor says that I need to provide proof of workers′ compensation insurance coverage. Can he do this?

  171. Legal: I don't understand my rights and obligations. Should I consult with a lawyer?

  172. Legal: I made $12.30 per hour when the Missouri Minimum Wage increased. When my employer raised other people's wages to the minimum wage should I have gotten a raise also?

  173. Legal: I work for an underground mining company. Do I have to work longer than eight hours a day?

  174. Legal: If a young person works for a parent, does the law still apply?

  175. Legal: If I have to go to the doctor during my work shift, do I have to take leave time?

  176. Legal: If the federal minimum wage is less than Missouri′s minimum wage, what will happen if I decide to pay only the lower federal rate?

  177. Legal: Is there any exemption for the small business employer so I will not have to pay the Minimum Wage?

  178. Legal: My business has volunteers do I need to purchase workers′ compensation insurance coverage for the volunteers?

  179. Legal: What are the remedies to a discrimination complaint?

  180. Legal: What does an employee need to do to request a "Letter of Dismissal"?

  181. Legal: What if Missouri and federal child labor laws do not agree?

  182. Legal: What is the minimum wage rate in Missouri?

  183. Legal: What posters are required to be posted by the MCHR?

  184. Legal: What statutes and regulations exist regarding the State Board of Mediation?

  185. Legal: Where can I get additional information regarding the law changes?

  186. Legal: Who has the burden of proving discrimination?

  187. LLCs: My company is a limited liability company, are the LLC members covered?

  188. LLCs: What are the workers′ compensation provisions that apply to a limited liability company?

  189. Mandatory poster: Do employers have to post a Minimum Wage poster in the workplace?

  190. Minimum wage: Can an employer pay an individual under 20 years of age less than the applicable minimum wage rate?

  191. Minimum wage: What is the minimum wage?

  192. Minimum wage: When will it be determined if the state minimum wage will increase or decrease?

  193. Occupational Titles: How does the new law impact the ratio of journeymen to "apprentice" and "entry-level" workers and their rate of pay?

  194. OSHA: Are we more likely to have an OSHA inspection after we have used your service?

  195. OSHA: Will OSHA be notified that I have applied for the consultation service or have a visit in progress?

  196. Other income: Can I work part-time and receive benefits?

  197. Other income: Is vacation, holiday, or WARN pay reportable?

  198. Other income: Will other income reduce my benefits?

  199. Overpayment: What happens if I am overpaid?

  200. Overpayment: What if my unemployment benefits were applied to a prior overpayment?

  201. Overpayment: What is an overpayment?

  202. Overtime: Should overtime be defined as work over 40 hours in a 7 day time period?

  203. Prevailing wage: As a contractor, how do I obtain a copy of the prevailing wage rate for a specific project?

  204. Prevailing wage: How is the proper prevailing wage rate calculated for the wage order?

  205. Prevailing wage: I performed work on a particular project. Should I have received prevailing wages for the work performed?

  206. Prevailing wage: If a public body were to split up a project into phases, each of them costing less than $75,000, would the prevailing wage apply?

  207. Prevailing wage: If the estimated cost for a public works construction project is $75,000 or less, but cost overruns actually push the cost to $80,000, should the public entity pay the prevailing wage or the public works contracting minimum wage (PWCMW) for the project? If so, should such wage be paid for the entire project or only for the part of the project over $75,000?

  208. Prevailing wage: What is the difference between major repair and maintenance?

  209. Prevailing wage: What is the prevailing wage?

  210. Prevailing Wage: Where can I find a copy of the hearing schedule for prevailing wage objections?

  211. Prevailing Wage: Where can I get copies of Commission decisions in prevailing wage objections?

  212. Prevailing wage: Who should receive prevailing wage rates?

  213. Process: Do I need to file a copy of the Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service (FMCS) Form F-7 with the State of Missouri?

  214. Process: Do showing of interest cards expire?

  215. Process: How do I file a claim against the Victims′ Compensation Fund?

  216. Process: How do I get a copy of my commission complaint file?

  217. Process: How long does an investigation usually take?

  218. Process: How long does it take for an application to be processed? My policy expires soon and I want to be self-insured by the time it is renewed.

  219. Process: How will my claim be evaluated?

  220. Process: I filed a complaint with the EEOC or with HUD. Do I have to file one with MCHR too?

  221. Process: I keep getting a notice that my Excess Insurance Certificate is unacceptable. What is the Division looking for on the certificate?

  222. Process: Our broker informed me that we can save money by increasing our self-insured retention. What is required for a retention increase?

  223. Process: Our company has changed names/was bought out by another company? What do we need to submit to the Division?

  224. Process: The parent company and several subsidiaries are already self-insured. Do I need to resubmit the same data, such as the Third Party Administrator agreement, that applies to all the other entities? Will the application still take that long?

  225. Process: What are the on-site safety audits?

  226. Process: What happens after a claim is filed, and how long does it take for my Second Injury Fund case to settle?

  227. Process: What if I want to settle my case rather than proceed to court?

  228. Process: What information will be required from me?

  229. Process: What is a "Showing of Interest"?

  230. Process: What is the "meet and confer" process?

  231. Process: What is the process for filing a petition?

  232. Process: When is the proper time to file a petition?

  233. Process: When should I file a claim?

  234. Process: Who can file a representation petition?

  235. Process: Who gets to vote in a certifying or decertification election?

  236. Process: Why will I need to provide information regarding my insurance and other benefits?

  237. Process: Will the Commission on Human Rights, HUD and EEOC investigate my complaint?

  238. Program: Is Missouri a "credit reduction state"?

  239. Program: What is Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC)?

  240. Program: What penalties can be assessed against employers?

  241. Program: Will the employer be notified when a claim is filed?

  242. Protest: How can the employer protest the claim?

  243. Protest: What happens after an employer files a protest?

  244. Public works: Is there a minimum dollar amount before a project is considered a public works project?

  245. PWCMW: How is the Public Works Contracting Minimum Wage (PWCMW) calculated?

  246. PWCMW: What is the "Public Works Contracting Minimum Wage"?

  247. Qualifying injuries: How are injured employees identified?

  248. Qualifying injuries: What type of injuries might qualify for vocational rehabilitation?

  249. Records: As an employer subject to the provisions of the Missouri Minimum Wage Law, what records am I required to keep and how long should they be kept?

  250. Records: Can I receive copies of my medical records?

  251. Records: To whom do I have to provide the records?

  252. Records: Will my records be made available to the public?

  253. Refusal of Rehab: Can an employee refuse vocational rehabilitation?

  254. Relocating: Do individuals leaving their job to accompany their military spouse need to provide advanced notification to their employer to receive unemployment benefits?

  255. Relocating: How does moving out of Missouri affect my unemployment benefits?

  256. Relocating: If an individual is leaving their job and relocating to accompany their military spouse in another state or country, would they be eligible for unemployment benefits?

  257. Relocating: Would an individual be eligible to receive unemployment benefits if they relocated and left their job to accompany their military spouse who completed his/her service and is moving to seek employment elsewhere?

  258. Relocating: Would an individual be eligible to receive unemployment benefits if they relocated and left their job to be with family members because their military spouse was called to serve overseas or elsewhere?

  259. Reporting: Am I required to file the Missouri Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report electronically?

  260. Reporting: As a Self-insured entity, do we have to report quarterly?

  261. Reporting: As an insurance carrier that doesn’t write workers’ compensation insurance, do we have to report quarterly? Can we be exempt from reporting since we don’t write workers’ compensation insurance?

  262. Reporting: Can the Affidavit of Zero Reporting be emailed to the Division?

  263. Reporting: Do I have to report family members?

  264. Reporting: Does the Division accept postmark dates?

  265. Reporting: How are the late penalty and interest calculated?

  266. Reporting: How do I report retrospective policies?

  267. Reporting: How do I report workers who work in more than one state?

  268. Reporting: How should I report a probationary worker?

  269. Reporting: How, when, and where to submit or mail my Quarterly CW Reports, payments, and magnetic media?

  270. Reporting: I didn′t pay wages this quarter. Do I have to file a Quarterly CW Report anyway?

  271. Reporting: I received an e-mail about a quarterly report that was due to the Division. What is this quarterly report for? We don’t write Workers’ Compensation policies. Why do I have to report?

  272. Reporting: I report for more than one company. Can I send in one check for all the companies for which I am reporting?

  273. Reporting: If I am reporting $0s or have a credit balance for a quarter, do I still need to mail a hard copy to the Division?

  274. Reporting: Is a cafeteria plan reportable and taxable?

  275. Reporting: What is considered late?

  276. Reporting: When are the Missouri Quarterly Contribution and Wage Reports mailed?

  277. Reporting: Where can I find the Affidavit of Zero Reporting? (Commercial Insurers Only)

  278. Reporting: Where should I mail my Missouri Quarterly CW Report?

  279. Reporting: Whom should I contact for information on reporting wages by magnetic media?

  280. RESEA: Do I have to report in person?

  281. Restrictions: At what age can a young person start working?

  282. Restrictions: What jobs are not allowable for 14- and 15-year-olds?

  283. S corp: I am an S corporation, am I subject to the law and do I need to carry workers′ compensation insurance?

  284. Salaried employees: Does the Missouri Minimum Wage affect salaried employees?

  285. Security: How do I get my security reduced?

  286. Security: How do I get my security released?

  287. Security: How much security is required to be posted? How is this amount calculated?

  288. Security: What forms of security are acceptable? What are the requirements for each?

  289. Self-insurance: Are self-insured employers and groups allowed to handle their claims differently or pay different benefits than insurance carriers?

  290. Self-insurance: Does an individual self-insured employer incur any surcharges or taxes?

  291. Self-insurance: If I am a self-insurer, do I need a third-party administrator?

  292. Self-insurance: Is there a Guarantee Fund for groups?

  293. Self-insurance: What should I do if I wish to terminate my self-insurance authority?

  294. Shared Work: What is the Shared Work Program?

  295. Statute: What are the penalties under the law for workers′ compensation fraud?

  296. Statute: What is the excess insurance policy limit requirement?

  297. Statute: What is the period of Limitations to file a claim for compensation with the Division?

  298. Statute: When do insurers and third-party administrators have to report an injury to the Division?

  299. Tax: Do I have to pay Missouri unemployment tax?

  300. Tax: How can I reduce my tax rate?

  301. Tax: How do I get set up to pay state unemployment tax?

  302. Tax: What are the requirements for federal unemployment tax?

  303. Tax: What is the taxable wage base?

  304. Tax: What will my tax rate be?

  305. Taxes: Are my benefits taxable?

  306. Tipped employees: What amount must an employer pay a tipped employee for hours worked over 40 in a workweek?

  307. Tipped employees: What amount must an employer pay a tipped employee?

  308. Trade Adjustment Assistance: What is TAA?

  309. Training: How long can an entry-level or on-the-job trainee be paid the 50% journeyman rate? What is the criteria to track the hours of progression for when these trainees should be paid the full journeyman rate?

  310. Training: How many hours of training must I provide to a new mine employee?

  311. Training: I am a contractor for surface and underground mines. What type of training must I have?

  312. Training: I am a contractor. Do I need training?

  313. Training: Section 292.675 requires 10-hour safety training stipulations in all public works contracts. Does Section 290.230(5) (that exempts public works projects valued below $75,000) have any impact on this requirement for training?

  314. Training: What does Mine Safety and Health Training cost?

  315. Training: Where can I get mine safety training materials and forms?

  316. Treatment: Is there a limit on the number of medical examinations and evaluations?

  317. Treatment: What if I am unhappy with my medical treatment?

  318. Treatment: What if the insurance company just refuses to provide medical treatment?

  319. Treatment: Why can't I choose my own doctor?

  320. Treatment: Why do I have to travel so far for my medical treatment?

  321. UCFE: Can I apply for unemployment insurance if I worked for a private sector employer that contracted with the federal government?

  322. UCFE: I have been placed on administrative leave because my position includes DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility) functions. If I am terminated, am I eligible for unemployment insurance?

  323. UCFE: I was recently laid off from a civilian position with the federal government. Am I eligible for Unemployment Insurance (UI)?

  324. UCFE: The President signed an Executive Order directing federal employees to return to work in office five days a week. If I refuse to return, am I eligible for unemployment insurance?

  325. UCFE: What information do I need to apply for unemployment insurance under the UCFE program for federal employees?

  326. Unemployment: Can the Commission assist me in filling out the Form 8-B, Notice of Appeal to the Missouri Court of Appeals?

  327. Unemployment: How can I appeal to the Commission on unemployment cases?

  328. Unemployment: How can I obtain a transcript of the hearing in an unemployment case?

  329. Unemployment: How is timeliness determined in filings before the Commission?

  330. Unemployment: How long does it take to review an unemployment benefits case?

  331. Unemployment: If I have an unemployment claim pending before the Commission, can I submit additional information?

  332. Unemployment: Must I have an attorney to file an appeal to the Commission in unemployment?

  333. Unpaid bills: What if my medical bills don't get paid?

  334. Verification: How can I obtain an unemployment verification letter?

  335. Wages: Can an employer reduce the wages of its employees?

  336. Wages: If an employee is terminated when are his or her final wages due?

  337. Wages: If an employee quits his job, when are the final wages due to him?

  338. What is the Annual Wage Order?

  339. What is the Annual Wage Order?

  340. Work certificates: Are there two different Work Certificates?

  341. Work certificates: Are Work Certificates required for employment?

  342. Work certificates: Does the superintendent of the public school need to sign off on the work certificate even if the youth is a private or home-schooled student?

  343. Work certificates: What if the superintendent does not sign the work certificate because he or she is not familiar with the student?

  344. Work search: Do I need to search for work?

  345. Workers' Compensation: Can I get an extension to file my brief in a workers' compensation matter?

  346. Workers' Compensation: How can I appeal to the Commission on workers′ compensation case?

  347. Workers' Compensation: How can I obtain a transcript of the hearing in a workers′ compensation case?

  348. Workers' Compensation: How do I appeal a Commission decision in workers′ compensation?

  349. Workers' Compensation: How does the Commission expedite hardship cases in workers′ compensation?

  350. Workers' Compensation: If oral argument is allowed, how much time is allowed to argue?

  351. Workers' Compensation: Where does the Commission hear oral arguments?

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