Knowledge Base
Unemployed Workers →
Unemployment - Employers →
Minimum Wage →
- Complaints: What can I do if I believe I am not being paid the minimum wage rate and/or overtime rate?
- Complaints: If it is determined that I was not paid minimum wage rate and/or overtime rate, what steps will be taken to collect wages due me?
- Legal: Can an employer pay an individual under 20 years of age less than the applicable minimum wage rate?
- Legal: What is the minimum wage rate in Missouri?
- Legal: Where can I get additional information regarding the law changes?
Youth Employment →
- Legal: If a young person works for a parent, does the law still apply?
- Legal: Can a person under the age of 18 be an independent contractor?
- Legal: What if Missouri and federal child labor laws do not agree?
- Restrictions: At what age can a young person start working?
- Restrictions: What jobs are not allowable for 14- and 15-year-olds?
Workplace Safety/On-Site Consultation →
- Certification: I just became a certified safety consultant/engineer. What do I need to do to maintain my certification?
- Certification: Is there a fee required for the safety consultant/engineer certification?
- Complaints: I have safety concerns for my workplace. Who should I contact?
- Consultation: Is there a charge for the consultation visit?
- Consultation: Who should sign the Application for Consultation Service?
Wages, Hours & Dismissal Rights →
- Benefits: Are benefits such as vacation, sick leave, and health insurance required?
- Exiting employment: Is an employee required to give his/her employer two weeks notice when quitting a job?
- Exiting employment: Is my employer required to pay me for unused vacation if I lose my job or quit?
- Hours: Can an employer require its employees to work more than eight hours a day or more than 40 hours per week?
- Hours: When does overtime come into effect?
Mine & Cave Safety →
- Inspections: What types of mining operations does the state of Missouri inspect?
- Inspections: How can I schedule a consultation to help me compile a proper mine safety and health program?
- Legal: I work for an underground mining company. Do I have to work longer than eight hours a day?
- Legal: Does Missouri require a blasting certification for mining companies?
- Training: How many hours of training must I provide to a new mine employee?
Workers' Compensation - Fraud and Non-Compliance →
- Fraud: I have business locations in Missouri and Kansas. The Missouri location has 3 employees and the Kansas location has 5. I was informed that I didn′t have to have Missouri workers′ compensation insurance because I only have three employees. Is that correct?
- Fraud: I am working for a company out of Texas. A company representative told me the company has workers′ compensation insurance with Texas Mutual Insurance. Will this cover me in Missouri?
- Fraud: I am representing a client who the insurance company is stonewalling. I can′t seem to get them to negotiate a settlement. If I file a complaint with the Fraud and Noncompliance Unit and the matter is then resolved, can I withdraw my complaint?
- Fraud: I was looking at my pay stub and realized my employer is deducting money for workers′ compensation insurance. Can they do that?
- Fraud: I was hurt at work and informed my supervisor about the injury. The supervisor refuses to file an injury report. Can the supervisor do this?
Workers' Compensation - Insurance →
Workers' Compensation - Medical Care →
- Legal: I don't understand my rights and obligations. Should I consult with a lawyer?
- Legal: If I have to go to the doctor during my work shift, do I have to take leave time?
- Records: Can I receive copies of my medical records?
- Treatment: Why can't I choose my own doctor?
- Treatment: Why do I have to travel so far for my medical treatment?
Workers' Compensation - Proof of Coverage →
- Basics: Who is required to carry workers′ compensation insurance coverage?
- Basics: How do I know if I am in the construction industry?
- Corporations: What procedure does a corporation need to follow in order to be exempt from the workers′ compensation requirements?
- Legal: Does workers′ compensation cover my family members?
- Legal: My business has volunteers do I need to purchase workers′ compensation insurance coverage for the volunteers?
Workers' Compensation - Second Injury Fund →
- Administration: Can more than one person receive the e-mails from the Division?
- Benefits: How do I qualify for Second Injury Fund?
- Benefits: How do I claim benefits from the Second Injury Fund?
- Benefits: What is the status of my claim?
- Benefits: How much money will I get/how is the settlement figured?
Workers' Compensation - Vocational Rehabilitation →
- Benefits: How long does the plan cover?
- Benefits: Will temporary total disability (TTD) or temporary partial disability (TPD) benefits continue to be paid?
- Implementation cost: What does it cost?
- Refusal of Rehab: Can an employee refuse vocational rehabilitation?
- Qualifying injuries: What type of injuries might qualify for vocational rehabilitation?
Appeals/Objections to the Labor Commission →
- About the LIRC: Who are the members of the Commission?
- About the LIRC: Where can I find the statutes that pertain to the Commission?
- About the LIRC: Where can I find the rules and regulations pertaining to the Commission?
- Prevailing Wage: Where can I get copies of Commission decisions in prevailing wage objections?
- Prevailing Wage: Where can I find a copy of the hearing schedule for prevailing wage objections?
Tort Victims →
Discrimination →
Prevailing Wage →
- Annual wage order: What is the Annual Wage Order?
- Annual wage order: Does the law allow for annual wage orders to be changed once per year based upon hours worked under a collective bargaining agreement?
- Annual wage order: When will the new annual wage order containing the prevailing wage and the public works contracting minimum wage (PWCMW) rates be released?
- Annual wage order: Should a contractor report hours worked in the previous fiscal year or the previous calendar year?
- Annual wage order: What is the existing timeline for calculating the annual prevailing wage rate?
State Board of Mediation & Petitions →
All articles →
- Benefits: How are benefits paid?
- Appeal: Can an employer appeal a deputy’s determination?
- About the LIRC: Who are the members of the Commission?
- Accommodations: I hurt my back. Doesn′t my employer have to provide me with an accommodation?
- Inspections: What types of mining operations does the state of Missouri inspect?