Basics: How is workers′ compensation insurance priced?
Process: What happens after a claim is filed, and how long does it take for my Second Injury Fund case to settle?
ID/Access code: Does a new Electronic Partnering/Confidentiality Agreement need to be completed if the contact person changes?
Employee questions: What if the group that my employer belonged to is no longer in business?
Employee questions: What if my employer is no longer a member of the group?
1099-G: What should I do with my Form 1099-G amount? Do I need to pay the amount shown?
Help: What if my name changes?
Layoffs: What is a Mass Claim?
Legal: What statutes and regulations exist regarding the State Board of Mediation?
Reporting: Where should I mail my Missouri Quarterly CW Report?
Protest: How can the employer protest the claim?
Annual wage order: When will the new annual wage order containing the prevailing wage and the public works contracting minimum wage (PWCMW) rates be released?
Overpayment: What is an overpayment?
Process: The parent company and several subsidiaries are already self-insured. Do I need to resubmit the same data, such as the Third Party Administrator agreement, that applies to all the other entities? Will the application still take that long?